Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

How to Accept and Overcome the Challenges of Life with Dennis Mayers



Dennis Meyers was a normal everyday man until he suffered from a car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. After years of struggling to find joy and fulfillment in his new life, he discovered a way to make peace with his accident and has written about it in his book “You Have not a Leg to Stand On”. Favorite Success Quote “You’ve just got to go on” Key Points 1. You Have Just got to Go On Life will knock you down, it will throw punches that put you on your knees, it will shatter you and batter you and try and keep you on the ground, but you have just got to go on. Everyone will suffer in life, especially if you ever intend to do something great with yourself, the key is not if you suffer, but how you suffer. You must accept the hardships and move on with your life, grin and bear it, be willing to laugh in the face of pain. There is little else that you can do, and allowing life to knock you down is a surefire recipe, not just for failure in business, but failure in life. 2. Learn to Take Life