Knowledge For Men – more Purpose, Success, Happiness & Freedom

Alan C. Fox: Simple Tools to Help You Achieve Extraordinary Relationships



Alan C. Fox has lived a long and joyful life, achieving tremendous success in many different arenas, both personally and professionally. He has advanced degrees in accounting, law, education, and professional writing. He has expanded his commercial real estate company, ACF Property Management, Inc. into a billion dollar enterprise since founding it in 1968. He founded Rattle Poetry Journal (in 1994), a nationally renowned publication including his conversations with noted poets Alan is dedicated to sharing his wisdom with as many people as possible through his writings, public talks, and media appearances. Favorite Success Quote “There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved” ~George Sand Key Points 1. Learn to be Authentic not Perfect  Many men have a perfection complex. They feel that unless they are perfect, they aren’t worthy of love and aren’t worth their goals. The simple fact, however, is that no man is perfect, we all have flaws and failures and always will. Your goal as a grounded man sho