Anger Management With Nick Clegg

3: Centrist forward: GARY LINEKER talks anger in football and beyond



If you want to see rage ruining everything, go and listen to some of the dads on the touchline at a kids’ football match. On the new episode of ANGER MANAGEMENT WITH NICK CLEGG, the former Deputy Prime Minister talks to footballing legend and Match Of The Day presenter GARY LINEKER about anger on the football pitch and in the public eye, Gary’s personal politics… and what it’s like to be monstered for speaking your mind on social media. Where did Gary’s political interests come from? What drives people to be so vitriolic towards strangers on the Internet? Is football really getting calmer while the society around it gets angrier? As a dedicated Remainer, does he think there’s a way to heal the Brexit breach? And who would he like to be stuck in a lift with? “I’m lucky in that I don’t get angry. But unfortunately the really negative, abusive remark is the one that sticks in your head.” “The press have the right to their opinions, of course they do. But they don’t have the right to demand that you lose you