Coffee & Change

Episode 91: And Just Like That...Change



Imagine you had a great friend who you met in your twenties when you lived in the big city. For six years you and this friend and her friends were pretty much inseparable. You made memories together, experienced heartbreak together and at some point life happened and you went your separate ways, keeping memories, but no longer together. Well, now imagine after nearly 20 years, you get a text from that friend to let you know he or she was in town for a few nights and wanted to see you. What would you do? Would you thumb through the rolodex of old times and try and book that favorite spot you used to go for dinner? Perhaps you would try that coffee spot you loved, if it was still open. Do you dare pull out that old dress to see if it still fits? See, Nostalgia sometimes get the best of you, and just like that, we are reminded that people change…and that is okay. Or is it? My guest on this episode returns to Coffee and Change to join us as the co- host of Coaching Carrie, a podcast that explore the rewatching