
#244: Q & A



Babble listeners are definitionally a wise and discerning bunch, so just occasionally we permit the besplurgification of our inbox with probing questions that we absolutely promise to answer on air - unless they're shit. This week, then, it's Dave and Ol doing the shutting up and listening, minus the shutting up bit, as we subject ourselves to interrogation by you, our loyal enablers. Lines of enquiry include:- why haven't you covered the most controversial enviro topic in UK politics over the last few years, you cowards?- what *wouldn't* you do to save the planet, you cowards?- why don't you put your mics down and do some real activism for once, you cowards? Herewith 50 minutes of us inhofes trying to justify our cowardliness. ** Donate to frontline organisations in Ukraine:* Medical relief –* Aid packages –* Support for journalists –