Impactbank: The Kickass Koach

349 - Boundaries for Well-Being



Today, how would you define your feeling of well-being?  Is it enhanced by your choice to work/be alone or with others? If you could choose with whom and when you are engaging with others or free to work/be independent or on your own, would your feelings of well-being improve? In this episode I reflect on the results of a recent study about how choice (alone or in community) is fundamental to feelings of well-being. Ask yourself: How would I choose my work environment and circumstances to improve my feelings of well-being and what difference would it make? AND, how, as a leader can I offer choice to employees to improve well-being?   Walk with me:    Take the GRIT Scale and see where you land. Take the VIA strengths survey TODAY to evaluate where to focus. Try out The BIG SIX and learn about your personality tendencies. Book a complimentary  Exploratory Conversation Follow or Connect with Me on LINKEDIN Additionally, check out my joint effort in the creation of a YouTube channel: Illuminate 2 Generate N