Unnatural 20's

Katelynn's Podcast Bachelorette



Ya girls are getting together to celebrate Katelynn's Bachelorette (podcast version) and you all know it's not going to go as planned! So grab your drinks and join the party as we set the stage for fear, enter a new type of Mud Run, set the new standard, follow the movie's footsteps, be bad moms, make our MASH predictions come true, set out literal poopourri, bring our plant friends out to lunch with us, admit our previous murders, burn the alter down, start a casual arson TikTok, give some musical advice, ignore all the red flags, make some drink concoctions from whatever is in our fridge, instantly regret doing that, make Books miserable, proudly wear MC Hammer pants for the women, test our knowledge of the bride to be, knock the people away with a tail, confuse Katelynn's stuffed animals, hit follow for the dog chomps, harness the power of dogs in cars, freak out over the Obi-Won Kenobi trailer, get the full report from the mouse, and unknowingly enter the splash zone. Join in on the adventure by sending y