So You Wanna Sell On Ebay

103: So You Wanna Sell On eBay - Dave Smith



Dave is a family guy; 5 kids and so far one grandchild. He spent 30 plus years working with cows, people, and equipment in the dairy and farming industry. He contributed to feeding a lot of people. Now five years later, he is selling supplies to animal agriculture industry primarily dairy farmers. He did eBay in the early 2000's for a short while. Then he got back in in 2014. Interesting Notes Dave has a full-time job that requires him to travel a lot. He does eBay at night and on weekends. His wife and kids help him in the packing and shipping when he is out of town. It was in 2004 when Dave and his wife started on eBay. Dave was on the farm and his wife was laid off from her corporate job. They only stopped eBay when they relocated to Colorado. Since eBay has always been in Dave's mind, he got back to eBay in 2014. His whole family enjoys eBay too! Dave has a variety of items he sells on eBay. He sources from thrift stores, estate sales, garage sales, and southwest collectibles. He collects native Ameri