Code Red

The Illegitimate and Illegal Nuclear Iran Deal with American Foreign Policy Counsel Senior Fellow, Victoria Coates



Biden, Putin and the Ayatollah of Iran are in cahoots.   In an egregious overstep, Biden is planning on giving the largest state sponsor of terror a nuclear weapon. This nuclear Iran Deal is illegitimate and illegal, and it rests completely on Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin as a good-faith negotiator, following his ruthless invasion of Ukraine.                                                                                   THE IRAN NUCLEAR DEAL WILL  GIVE BILLIONS OF AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY TO IRAN  EMBOLDEN THE LARGEST STATE-SPONSOR OF TERROR– IRAN. ENTER US INTO A “GOOD–FAITH” DEAL WITH RUSSIA’S VLADIMIR PUTIN. ARM IRAN WITH NUCLEAR WEAPONS.    This episode of CODE RED with Senior Fellow at the American National Security Council, Victoria Coates, details the illegal and illegitimate Iran Deal, as we discuss the inner workings of the dynamics at play. __________________________________________________ We thank you for your continued support of the Code Red Podcast. We could not continue to fi