Uindy's Potluck Podcast

UIndy's Potluck Podcast - SEASON 3 – EPISODE 5 – Alison C Rollins



In this episode of UIndy’s Potluck Podcast, where we host conversations about the arts, ENGLISH 478 students Olivia Williams, Maiya Johnson, Chelsea Keen, and McKenna Tetrick interview poet Alison C Rollins, a guest of the Kellogg Writers Series, which is a series that brings writers of distinction to the University of Indianapolis campus for classroom discussions and free public readings. Special thanks to Music Technology major Oliver Valle for editing this episode’s audio. Alison C. Rollins currently works as the Lead Teaching and Learning Librarian for Colorado College. She also serves as faculty for Pacific Northwest College of Art's Low-Residency MFA program. She is a 2019 National Endowment for the Arts Literature fellow, as well as a Cave Canem and Callaloo fellow. Alison C. Rollins’ debut poetry collection is Library of Small Catastrophes, and her poems have appeared in American Poetry Review, Black Warrior Review, Crazyhorse, and elsewhere. We thank you for listening to UIndy's Potluck Podcast, whic