Chats With Susan Burrell

Permission GRANTED!



Ep #178 - Permission GRANTED! An interview with co-hosts of the podcast, "Are You Waiting for Permission?" Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett. How often growing up were we told by our parents, grandparents, teachers or anyone else in authority that we must ask for permission to . . . fill in the blank . . . to leave the dining room table? To go out and play? To speak-up? The list goes on and on.  Well, in this episode of Empowering Chats I invite co-hosts of the, “Are You Waiting for Permission?” podcast, Meridith Grundei and Joseph Bennett to share their thoughts on waiting or giving permission. We have a fun, interactive conversation about what giving ourselves permission to do looks like. It’s different for each of us and yet, at its core, we all want the same thing. It’s about trusting our inner knowing and owning our own power. Freedom opens doors when we give ourselves permission to do that which brings us joy and fulfillment. As Meridith shares, patience also plays a part and we need to understand