Simmons Here And Now

TTDS Episode 223 - How to Become a Better Storyteller By Watching Films



In this episode, Alex and Chris discuss Oscar nominated films as a way to improve your writing. We take close looks at Belfast and Coda and even mention King Richard to show how they demonstrate the concept of "a good story well told."  Close looks at these movies can teach storytelling, foreshadowing, theme, originality, using personal experience to tell a bigger tale, the power of characterization, and how small details become universal. Come check out all you can learn from watching great films.  Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #belfast #coda #kennethbranagh #judidench #marleematlin #sianheder #kingrichard #screenplays #writers #storytellers #servethestory