Online Success Journey

Special - COVID-19: Billy Bross - Billy has dedicated himself to helping online education companies and course creators break through the noise and fill their programs with committed, high-quality students and helping them make a good living while having



Billy Bross had a thriving career as a consultant in the energy industry, working with important clients like the Department of Energy, Native American tribes, and Fortune 500 companies. It was an interesting and rewarding career, but deep down he was looking for something more. He wanted to do something he was passionate about, a venture of his own. He began with a beer brewing blog and had unexpected success offering tips on homebrewing. Billy took a chance and decided to sell an online course on the topic. It worked! He quickly began making as much money from selling his course as he made as a successful energy consultant. Since then, he has dedicated himself to helping online education companies and course creators break through the noise and fill their programs with committed, high-quality students and helping them make a good living while having a positive impact.