Online Success Journey

#225: Joy Taylor - Joy Taylor is an intuitive business muse and energy guide, She has helped thousands of people start and grow purposeful and profitable businesses.



Joy Taylor is an intuitive business muse and energy guide, She has helped thousands of people start and grow purposeful and profitable businesses. She promotes innovative and new business models and suggests that when we utilize our intuition, our purpose expands, and our business grows. Her mission is to empower and educate transformational leaders so that they can create products and services for the greater good. Joy brings over 25 years of teaching and training in the private sector and as an adjunct business college-level faculty to her creative, spontaneous, and intelligent body of work. Her perspectives on soul-inspired leadership focus on energy balance. Joy offers practical skills that people can use right away. An advocate on interactive online learning, Joy has over 15 years of experience in tele-conference and video-conference training and facilitation.