Distraction Pieces Podcast With Scroobius Pip

Hayley Campbell • Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip #445



Welcome, welcome, welcome to the Distraction Pieces Podcast with Scroobius Pip!This week Pip is joined by journalist, author and presenter HAYLEY CAMPBELL!You’re probably familiar with the age old dilemma of ‘Cake or death?’ - well, you’re about to hear a podcast which contains firstly takeaway, and then death. So it’s not worlds away, let’s say. This is a well overdue meeting of Pip and Hayley who get along like old pals from the get go, beginning with - as stated - takeaway habits and secret condiment hacks that will level up your sauce game (you can thank Hayley), and branches off into pandemic nostalgia, fitness, cinemas, parents, Neil Gaiman, Alan Moore, comic books, but more importantly - death. Hayley’s new book ‘All The Living And The Dead’ addressed the dead. Not the dying or the grieving. The dead. You wouldn’t think it was an overlooked sector but death is a strange one. A fascinating chat which deals with so much but with a good heart and no gloominess, but worth mentioning that those who struggle