Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Producing For The Rock, Running Charlie Sheen’s Production Company & Making Features With EP / Director / Author Shane Stanley



Today I’m joined by the multi-talented Shane Stanley, whose career has led him to executive produce for Dwayne (The Rock) Johnson, run Charlie Sheen’s production company, and direct his own feature films - just to scratch the surface.In addition to his impressive career as a filmmaker, Shane is also an author and educator. His book What You Don’t Learn In Film School covers filmmaking from concept to delivery, and has been endorsed by some of the most respected names in Hollywood. Throughout the interview we chat all about Shane’s journey, how he was able to navigate the business with such success, critical lessons for filmmakers from his book, and loads more!Links from the show:What You Don't Learn In Film School - BookShane on InstagramShane on FacebookShane on TwitterCINECOLOR Color Grading LUTsFor more like this click here to sign up for my newsletter.