Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Luke Barnett, Writer/Producer of FAITH BASED on Creating Original Content, Landing Star Talent, and Raising Money For Your Movie



Joining me on today’s episode is writer/producer/actor Luke Barnett, known for his incredible Funny or Die shorts and his latest feature film project - Faith Based, which features Jason Alexander, Lance Reddick, Tanner Thomason, Margaret Cho, and Luke Barnett himself.Luke’s story is super inspiring, and can be looked at as a roadmap for filmmakers who want to break into the industry by bootstrapping their own projects. Throughout the interview, Luke shares his journey from creating DIY short films for Funny or Die to producing feature films like Fear Inc. and Faith Based, while sharing invaluable tactical advice along the way. We talk about Luke’s development process, how he pulls together financing and attaches star talent to his films, his best practices for approaching agents and managers, and much more.Links from the show:Luke on TwitterLuke on InstagramFor more content like this, sign up for my newsletter here.