Show Don't Tell: Micro-budget Filmmaking

Winning Sundance & SXSW With Thunder Road Director Jim Cummings



This week, Jim Cummings - Director of THUNDER ROAD - joins me on the show to demystify the process behind his massive success in filmmaking over the past few years. Jim won Sundance in 2016 with his short version of Thunder Road,and went on to win SXSW in 2018 with his full length feature adaptation of the film.Over the course of this hour long interview, Jim shares his creative process at length, touching on every key aspect - development, screenwriting, directing, performance, editorial, and even self-distribution. He also speaks passionatley about his biggest advice for filmmakers - just getting out there and making a movie - and the importance of building a sustainable career in today’s indie film landscape.For more content like this visit