Finding Founders

Get Emotional, Achieve Goals: Founder Wisdom #004 - Masterclass: David Rogier



How can you use emotion to structure goals? This is the Founder Wisdom. Where we’ll answer that question by distilling advice from our founders and the books they recommend. Then we’ll show you how we are applying that knowledge ourselves! I asked Masterclass founder David Rogier what book I should read if I’m trying to manage people more effectively. He recommended “The Man Who Lied to His Laptop by Clifford Nas. So I think a lot of us think about emotions as this wide ranging huge complicated swath of feelings. I mean just off the top of my head I can think of admiration, adoration, anger, anxiety, awe, disgust, excitement, fear, horror, joy, nostalgia, relief. There seems to be so many ways to feel, but when we really boil these emotions down they all fall somewhere on the arousal/valence xy chart. --- Support this podcast: