Finding Founders

Baby Bathwater Institute: Hollis Carter



Today we talk to Hollis Carter, co-founder of The Baby Bathwater Institute. Alright, I’m going to give you guys a second to close your eyes and listen to that name one more time: Baby Bathwater. Without restricting that creative mind of yours, try and guess what his company does. Alright, ready? If you guessed it was a group that hosts outdoor networking conferences with healthy food, unlimited booze, outdoor activities, and live music, then you are kinda close. Hollis would probably rephrase that description and say that it isn’t a networking conference, but a connection conference. The word networking has a lot of professional baggage, so Hollis is trying to distance his events from that of the corporate vernacular. He’s creating an experience that guests will cherish for years to come and connection is something that Hollis has been promoting his entire life. Ever since he was a young boy, Hollis has worked to foster an environment focused on community. In fact, Hollis’ discovery concerning the tenets of a