What Got You There With Sean Delaney

#294 Nick Maggiulli- Lessons from The Wit and Wisdom of Nick Maggiulli on Finance, Decision making, and Writing



Nick Maggiulli, the creator of Of Dollars And Data ,the Chief Operating Officer at Ritholtz Wealth Management and author of the new book- Just Keep Buying: Proven Ways to Save Money and Build Your Wealth.  Watch on YouTube Check out Brava now at www.brava.com and make sure to enter the code “whatgotyouthere” at checkout for $200 off! Clipboard Health is looking for great software engineers, product managers, and operations leaders to join them today. They’re global and 100% remote. No matter where you live in the US or the world, they want to talk to you.   Check out opportunities at Clipboard at clipboardhealth.com/WGYT Subscribe to my Momentum Monday Newsletter Connect with us! Whatgotyouthere Sponsors Brava – www.brava.com and make sure to enter the code “whatgotyouthere” at checkout for $200 off! Clipboard at clipboardhealth.com/WGYT NuSkool Snacks Collagen Protein Bars https://nuskoolsnacks.com/