Inside Independent Publishing (with Ibpa)

Dependable Marketing Strategies and the Results Publishers Should Expect from Them



Marketing books can be overwhelming and discouraging, and to make matters more difficult, there are a lot of dependable strategies out there that wield excellent exposure for books but that does not necessarily mean that they lead directly to book sales. Book Launchers Founder Julie Broad joins us on “Inside Independent Publishing” today to go over some of the best book marketing tactics available and to explain the results publishers can expect from those tactics.PARTICIPANTSJulie Broad is the founder of self-publishing services firm Book Launchers and an Amazon Overall #1 Best Selling Author. Her popular YouTube channel BookLaunchers.TV teaches nonfiction authors how to write and market books people will want to read. An expert on writing with marketing in mind, Julie been speaking on stages across Canada and the US since 2009, providing the best approaches to get results, make an impact, and ultimately, make more money. Independent Book Publishers Association is the largest trade association for independen