Fragmented - Android Developer Podcast

226: The Reunion - Themes, VS Code and More



In this episode Donn and Kaushik are back together on the mic. After an extended break, they both returned renewed and ready to dive into all things software, starting off with IDE themes, plugins and what they've been up to since they were last on the show together.Links from the showMonokai Pro ThemeVS Code & AtomIntelliJ/Android Studio/WebStorm/etcVS Code PluginsBeautifyChange Color FormatFish VS CodePythonPylanceShell FormatGit LensES LintPrettierRainbow CSVTailwindCSS IntellisenseRubyTypeScriptCaper.AIStoa - Community Platform for CreatorsFreelance Faction - Donn's Freelance CommunityAndroidJobs.IOJob postings are FREE on AndroidJobs.IO during the early release phase (at the time of this recording).Sign up to get notified of new jobs on a weekly basis as well.AndroidJobs.IOSoftware Freelancing Donn's Freelance Faction CommunityFreelance Tactics BookDonn's Freelancing Content on YouTubeContact@fragmentedcast or our Youtube channel@donnfelker and donnfelker (on Instagram)Freelancing for Mobile Develope