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Jim Wallis on Crossing Faith’s Boundaries To End Child Poverty



Reverend Jim Wallis, Chair in Faith and Justice at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy and Founder of Sojourners, reports on how dozens of faith organizations continue to advocate together for making the Child Tax Credit permanent, among other provisions in the proposed Build Back Better legislation. “We came together across many of our theological and political boundaries in the faith community to support the Child Tax Credit and the other critical factors in this human infrastructure bill.” Wallis and his fellow faith leaders are fighting for the most vulnerable Americans. “Unfortunately, it continues to be true that when the government wants to tighten its belt, it tightens the belt around the necks of the poor. And when they want to be fiscally responsible, they do it on the backs of the lowest income families and children. And that’s just not wrong. That's sinful… The Bible says that kings and rulers - those who rule - will be defined and will be judged by how they treat the poor and