
324: Does your mindset suck?



In this episode, we chat about this month’s theme inside the MerryBody Studio which is MINDSET. And really, this is the theme of each and every one of our podcast episodes in some way or another.In this episode, we’ll take you through some of our major mindset shifts and how we go about them.Stuff we talked about…Our journey from having government jobs that we hated to shifting our mindsets and creating the life that we have right now.Mindset is how we choose to see things. How we perceive our lives.Everything starts from a thought. Our actions, which come from our thoughts, create our future.It’s okay to not be okay. You don’t have to be positive about your situation if there’s really no silver lining and you’re going through hardship. First step is awareness.Self-acceptance and gratitude, for us, have been the most life-changing mindset changes.What you read, what you consume, what you listen to and what you put in front of you make an impact on your life.Surrender is the ultimate mindset too