Love Someone With Delilah




What's the first thing you think when you get lousy service at a restaurant or at a hotel? Most of us are not happy, we're paying for service and expect to be treated like royalty! Today's guest on LOVE SOMEONE, Kevin Finch, of BIG TABLE is serving up some food for thought and reminding us that a healthy dose of compassion feeds the soul. A once upon a time, pastor-by-day and food critic-by-night, Kevin, who spent a lot of time ministering to people, sensed a very great great need in the service industry - if you combine food service and hotel workers, this sector far exceeds any other organized work force in America. It's made up of some of the most vulnerable, at-risk people in our society. Low pay, long hours, crazy shifts, covered by at-risk teens, single parents, immigrant populations, and those who have served time... Barely living paycheck-to-paycheck with no guaranteed hours or benefits. It's a population plagued by addictions and circumstances beyond the comprehension of most of us who go out to din