Love Someone With Delilah




With me today is my dear friend, Josh Groban, who I've been watching and cheering on since I first met him as a young 19 year old. We're having a little stroll down memory lane, talking about what's happening in his life right now, and looking ahead to a summer tour! (Many many venues, some indoor, and some out-door!) Josh and I share the belief that children should be championed! He's doing all he can through his Find Your Light Foundation - supporting children involved int the arts. We agree that for kids to find themselves, they must first find their community - the glue that holds them together - and Find Your Light helps to do just that!  Join us for a fun, inspiring, heart-to-heart chat, on this episode of LOVE SOMEONE with Delilah. ~ Delilah Learn more about your ad-choices at See for privacy information.