Breaking Bread Podcast

Inabilities: When Things are Out of Reach



We don’t like it when things are out of reach. Especially when they are good things. But sometimes they just are. In this episode of Breaking Bread, Brian Sutter helps us understand what health looks like amid the disappointment of our inabilities.    Definition: Limitations are those things that we cannot do or achieve regardless of effort or resources.  Potential examples: IQ, Physical limitations, Mental limitations, Human developmental stage, Economics  Reality: Limitations are often sources of pain in a person’s life. We don’t like to be told “no” you can’t do that.  Healthy Mental Processing: Limitations are losses to be grieved.  Acknowledge the limitation.  Grieve the limitation.  Listen for the lie limitation has posited in your thinking. (ex. You are stupid.)  Correct the lie with truth.   Accept the limitation.  Healthy Mindset: Do not identify yourself according to your limitation. Rather, understand your limitation to be part of your unique story and an aspect beloved by God the Father.