Sermon Podcast

“A Holy Pursuit” Message 4-10-22



Point: God’s pursuit of us is not contingent on our pursuit of Him. Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 Principles for studying a passage of Scripture:  Comprehension: Asks - What does the passage say?
 Interpretation: Asks - What does the passage mean?
 Application: Asks - How should this passage change me? Questions: 1. Read Luke 5:1-11 together as a group.  Interpretation: In your own words, what is God saying in this passage and why? What are the big ideas?  Comprehension: Read verses 1 and 6. There are two things in large numbers here in this passage. What are those?  Interpretation: Read verse 10. What does the large number of fish represent in this story? Explain your answer.  Interpretation: Do you think there was a connection between the crowds on the shore and the fish in the nets? Explain.  Comprehension: Read verses 6-7 and Matthew 9:36-38 What are three things the large number of fish, the breaking nets, signaling for help and the sinking boat teach us about making disciples? Explain your answer.  Applicat