Simmons Here And Now

Tell The Damn Story 224: How Chris' Writer's Journey Lead Him to the Belly of the Business Beast



Or, The One Where Chris' Quest Teaches Author Lessons In Tenacity In this episode, Alex gets Chris to talk about his long journey as an independent author trudging towards the best work he can possibly produce.  No writer knows what their best is; part of the joy of the journey is discovering ways to get better.  Listen as Chris reflects on the lessons he's learned, including the tough love of independent publishing.  And how he and other writers have to, "... find what your standard is, working to reach your definition of professional, and learning to express yourself after the choices."  This episode has a lot to offer aspiring and emerging writers. Have questions or comments for us? Post in the comments section or ... Write: And follow us on ... @Tell The Damn Story The Damn Story Tell The Damn Story #writers @quiryletters #literaryagents #pitch #rewrites #independentpublishing