Better Together With Barb Roose

Girls Trip: Planning Your Next Getaway With Your Girlfriends



Sometimes, you and the girls have got to get away! God gave us friendships to nurture our hearts, minds and souls in a special way that family may not be able to do. Getaways give us an opportunity to see our lives from a fresh perspective. So, when we combine girlfriends and getaways we give God room to show up in a significant way!   Join Barb and travel expert, Wendy Anderson Schulz, for a fun and practical conversation about getaways, girlfriends, Jesus, and Italy!   RESOURCES FROM THIS EPISODE Instagram: @wendyandersonschulz   ABOUT OUR SPECIAL GUEST Wendy Anderson Schulz is the founder of Adventures Together, which leads modern pilgrimages for Christian women to France or Italy. She is also a writer and speaker who is passionate about encouraging women in their faith walk. Wendy is married to her college sweetheart Pete, and has two daughters.