Introvert Biz Growth Podcast

Your Marketing Archetype



Today's conversation with Christina Frei about marketing archetype fits under the P of Partnership. I talk to Christina about seeing marketing as a partnership with their wider community. Christina Frei is a marketing consultant, author, and creator of the Generosity Practice mindset work and the Innate Marketing Genius tools and method. She helps brilliant, mission-based entrepreneurs look smart and get hired. In between, she chases her dog around with a stuffed animal snake, meditates on a pink couch, and obsesses over the perfect cup of green tea, all in a seaside town north of Boston. Her favorite quote: “You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside your story and hustle for your worthiness.” - Brene Brown In this episode, you'll learn about your marketing archetype and... The research behind Christina's 5 Marketing Archetypes What these 5 archetypes are My marketing archetype and what it means for me How to shift your mindset about marketing if you feel resistance to it T