Rusk Insights On Rehabilitation Medicine

Panel on Heart and Lung Transplant Patients, Part 2



Welcome back to this special two-part series. Part 1 covered various topics, including:  pulmonary conditions that could lead to the need for a transplant; if the recent resurgence of the coronavirus and its continued display of new emerging variants has affected the ability to furnish care for patients; kinds of contributions physiatry, physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech-language pathology clinicians can make in preparing patients for transplantation and in optimizing function; whether rehabilitation settings differ based on the kinds of health problems that patients have; and prevention of the occurrence of hospital readmissions.  Part 2 covers many new areas, including: how patients requiring rehabilitation services may differ according to personal characteristics, such as age and how such differences are taken into account when providing treatment; kinds of physiological changes patients can experience post-transplantation; prevention of the risk of infection; steps taken to deal with the