Value Add With K&k

#132: Quentin D'Souza: The Action Taker's Real Estate Investing Planner



Joining us today on the Get in the Cashflow Game with K&K podcast is Quentin D'Souza. Quentin D’Souza is a multiple award winning Real Estate Investor, and a trusted au-thority on real estate investing. He is an Ontario Certified Teacher and holds two uni-versity degrees, which includes a Master’s in Education. Quentin has appeared on local and national television and radio, interviewed in national publications, and has been a keynote speaker to large audiences of real estate investors.  Quentin is a proud member of the Entrepreneurs’ Organization. His company, Ap-pleridge Homes, uses the Buy, Fix, Refinance, and Rent strategy on long term rental properties in Ontario, Canada, as well as with joint venture partnerships to create win/win relationships on Apartment Building purchases. Quentin owns a real estate portfolio in excess of $80 million dollars of assets under management across Canada by the end of the year and the US and transacted on 80+ properties since 2004.  Quentin is the author of “The Prope