Em Pulse

The Leaky Pipeline



This is the second episode in our series on women in emergency medicine. In the first episode, My Role in Doctor,  women physicians shared their stories with us and we saw several themes emerge. Gender bias is, unfortunately, alive and well in our specialty. In this episode, we take a deeper dive into the issue with sex and gender expert, Dr. Angela Jarman.  How do you deal with gender bias as a woman in EM? Tell your story and tag us on social media, @empulsepodcast, or reach out via email empulsepodcast@gmail.com, or through our website, ucdavisem.com. Encourage your friends and colleagues to listen and share their stories, too! ***Please rate us and leave us a review on iTunes! It helps us reach more people.*** Hosts: Dr. Julia Magaña, Associate Professor of Pediatric Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Dr. Sarah Medeiros, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at UC Davis Guest: Dr. Angela Jarman, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medicine and Sex and Gender Researcher at UC Davis Resources: ACEP, SAE