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TMHS 576: Immunometabolism & The Impact Of Alcohol During The Pandemic - With Dr. Tyna Moore



We know that people who have underlying metabolic dysfunction, such as type 2 diabetes or obesity, are at a higher risk of developing complications and poor outcomes from COVID-19. When it comes down to the root of what’s causing our underlying susceptibility to this virus, the topic of immunometabolism cannot be overlooked. The growing field of immunometabolism refers to the complex relationship between the immune system and metabolism.  Since the immune system and the metabolism are so closely linked, one of the best things we can do to support the function of our immune system is to optimize our metabolism through cultivating healthy habits. For instance, getting quality sleep, strength training, and eating in a way that optimizes blood sugar can support your metabolism, and in turn strengthen your immune system’s defenses. One of the most prominent voices in the space of immunometabolism and COVID-19 is Dr. Tyna Moore.  Dr. Tyna Moore is a board-certified naturopathic doctor and chiropractic physician. Wi