Leid Stories

Leid Stories - 04.20.22



Here's what we're talking about today on Leid Stories:   President Biden has opened the gates to the nation's coffers -- to check the threat of economic and social woes that loom large nationwide. A grateful nation--and a normally adversarial Congress--considered it a good move. That program just getting off the ground and showing encouraging results, Biden is urgently beseeched by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy of Ukraine to help repel Russia's declared its intention to reclaim territories it had lost to Ukraine in previous battles. The Russia-Ukraine war is ongoing, with both sides suffering significant losses and setbacks. Should Biden, without making his case to the nation, be allowed to commit the United States to billions of taxpayer dollars in military support to Ukrain -- and without conditions? Is Biden skirting the War Powers Act? Why hasn't Biden presented his case openly to Congress and the people?