Gsmc Baseball Podcast

GSMC Baseball Podcast Episode 634: Manfred's Letter & What's Next



The Collective Bargaining Agreement expired on December 1st, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST. Major League Baseball then proceeded to lock the players out at 12:01 AM December 2. Patrick opens today's episode by explaining what the CBA expiring means right now, and what it means for the future. Patrick reads the commissioner's letter and then goes into what both of the sides are fighting over. Once Patrick explains to everyone what the lockout means, and most importantly why, as fans, there is no need to worry. From there Patrick lets everyone get lost for a few minutes by covering every move that was made on the last day of the CBA. To end the episode Patrick begins to tell the story of the last work stoppage in baseball. The 1994-95 Player strike is how Patrick ends today's show. If you enjoyed this episode, follow us and subscribe to the show: you can find us on iTunes or on any app that carries podcasts as well as on YouTube. Please remember to subscribe and give us a nice review. That way you will