Gsmc Baseball Podcast

GSMC Baseball Podcast Episode 574: Barry Bond and the Baltimore Orioles



The Baltimore Orioles used to be the best franchise in baseball thanks to their beliefs and system in the organization. Patrick spends the first two segments talking about the history of the O's. Their system was flawless for many years, and it won them a few World Series' because of it. The organization believed that "perfect practice makes perfect" and that they wanted every player in their system to be able to be called up. When called up with this system the Orioles the athletes steppih=ng in usually performed well. Following the Orioles talk, Patrick breaks down the important moments in Barry Bonds' career in today's profile. Disclaimer: This podcast today mentions steroids and steroid usage. While Patrick does not go into too much detail on that aspect. Barry Bonds was probably the greatest hitter, and at his best, he was the best most fans have seen with their eyes. If you enjoyed this episode, follow us and subscribe to the show: you can find us on iTunes or on any app