Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast With Shae Bynes

KDE 364: Creating Impact and Economic Opportunity through Kingdom Media (Conversation with Eric Skeldon)



Today’s guest on The Kingdom Driven Entrepreneur Podcast is Eric Skeldon, founder and Visionary of Kingdom Warriors, a media franchise and community built through NFTs.  Eric shares how God divinely orchestrated the creation of Kingdom Warriors, weaving together his interest in video games, NFTs, blockchain, cryptocurrency, and desire for global Kingdom impact.  You’ll hear how Eric walked out this God-idea: from idea to research to implementation to team development to launch in order to produce world-class stories that are already imparting identity and creating impact around the world.   Our hope is that you will be encouraged to dream with God, be courageous to take steps in faith on the things He’s placed on your heart, and be open to what is possible with others because a God-given dream will require more than just yourself.