A Rally Podcast

002 - Side Projects



In this episode: Geof constantly (and shamelessly) plugs his own side project (airlookout.com), Ben reminds everyone that we're way over time, Adam confesses he has a graveyard of dead side projects in his backyard, Jim (acting as audio engineer) tunes into our own live Periscope and Brijan tells some whippersnappers to get off his lawn. And everyone unintentionally ignored any questions that came through Periscope. We are looking to hear about your side projects! Hopefully we can get a few to showcase before each episode. These side projects could be anything from small and simple to a more complex project you're trying to get started! Just send them with a short paragraph description to podcast@rallyinteractive.com. # Mentioned and discussed on the show - Air Lookout - http://airlookout.com - A side project that took over a year to make and is selling on the app store for $1. Do designers need to program in order to turn their side projects into something real? What are too many side projects?