Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Afton Brazzoni, B2B Brand and Content Strategist Serving Canada’s Fastest-Growing Companies – Episode 247



Today, I am happy to introduce you to Afton Brazzoni, Founder of Scribe National and B2B brand and content strategist. She is not only amazing at content strategy, but she also grew her business from zero to multi-six figures in only two years! I loved talking to Afton and receiving the wisdom she had to share. In this episode: Afton shares her entrepreneurial journey, from corporate B2B marketer to successful business owner, and how it redefined stability for her Afton tells us her secret ingredients to moving from zero to multi-six figures in only a couple of years The work Afton is proudest of and why it’s important to take the time to pause and celebrate our accomplishments Creating a content strategy that will keep your customers enthralled and what foundational piece you need before you even start the process Tips for developing strong messaging for a brand that resonates with your customers and what they want The importance of consistency in content marketing and Alton’s advice for staying consistent