Colored Pages Book Club

Tangent Episode #2: ”Video Games”



UH-HAIIIIIIIIIII!!  Okay, we get it. We lied to y'all. We promised y'all some Birdie by Tracey Lindberg, but like a little birdie, our desire to do that flew right tf away and what landed in its place was....this? But seriously, we just needed a little break after the emotional toll of Just Above My Head, so we hope you enjoy our second tangent episode where we discuss all things video games! So sit back, maybe pull out your Gameboy, and listen as we talk about games we recommend, games that made us, and the games we'd be in! *Part 1 (Games That Made Us): 4:52 - 30:36 * Part 2 (Games We Live For and Would Live In): 30:56 - 54:41 Of course, if you wanna stay afloat on all our latest episodes, you can find the links to our Twitter (@TheColoredPages), Instagram (@TheseColoredPages), Website (, and  Reading List here: . You can also reach us directly by emailing us at . Come say hi!! *Games Mentioned - Part 1* Ako: Spyro, Kingdom