Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Betting On Yourself (From Digging Potatoes to Adobe Internship) ft. Paul Marroquin - #169



Paul is a builder of others and has put a ton of effort to get to where he's at. He is starting an internship at Adobe in the summer and is a true student of life. In this interview we talked about his beginnings, where his work ethic comes from, side hustles, and much more! This conversation was very inspiring for me and I hope it is helpful for you too. More From Paul:Paul’s LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-marroquin/Taste (Paul’s Dropshipping Business): https://storewithtaste.square.site/ Time Stamps: 2:20 – What Paul admires most about his dad3:15 – Building his work ethic5:20 – Passing down his work ethic to his kids6:33 – Getting into sales early7:20 – Why everyone should work fast food at some point in their life8:25 – Paul’s journey of being able to believe in himself10:40 – Going from believing in self to believing in others12:20 – Things that Paul has learned from his fiancé, Jackie14:30 – Jackie’s words of appreciation for Paul17:00 – Paul’s biggest thing he’s learned in sales18:15 –