Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Gems From My Walk - #165



I recently finished up my internship at Stukent. The experience provided a ton of momentum and growth for me and I am anxious as to how to move forward from here. I decided to go on a walk with this as the main question in my mind. I came back with some solid gems of thought to ponder on and learn from. I wanted to share them with you in case these were some messages that could be useful for you too.1. "Don't wish for another timeline." - It is easy to compare our current lives to where we could possibly be if we had just done X or talked to Y. Sure, it is interesting to do so, but we need to make sure we take the energy from that thinking and transfer it into power to help out our current selves. If we do not do this we have, in a way, wasted that thinking power.The main thought with this is that some of the most important decisions of my life I have already made, and I am thankful I am where I'm at now. If I hadn't started a YouTube channel with my friends back in 2012 maybe I would