Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

A Magnetic Why, Good People, and Living by Design - My Thoughts From the First Treehouse Talks Retreat - #161



Treehouse Talks is a community public speaking event that started in Provo, UT but is coming to many more cities VERY soon! I am very blessed to be part of the team helping it to grow in Rexburg. Last weekend the Treehouse Talks team had a giant retreat and I was able to go. :)Truthfully I needed this trip. It helped me to step into a part of myself I feel has been kind of left on the sidelines recently. In any case I feel very inspired to try again and move forward from all of my mistakes and shortcomings. :)1. The importance of having a personal why2. People are everything to your growth and what you are building together3. Take steps by design and not by defaultLearn more about Tree House Talks!:https://www.instagram.com/tree.house.talks/