Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

3 Helpful Quotes About Failure - #155



It is no secret that I have not been super consistent with uploading the podcast recently. I have been wanting to record/upload a ton of interviews... it hasn't really happened.I cannot blame it on my guests. I cannot blame it on the listeners of this podcast. I need to take full responsibility. The ball was in my court and I didn't take the shots I needed to take. With that said... I am still very optimistic. I have learned that the moments of failure are nothing compared to the great times that will surely come... from learning from it. In this way, the only true failures are the ones that you have chosen not to learn from. If you have chosen to learn from something you would label as a failure, then it is now a learning experience.With that backdrop, I wanted to share three quotes that have helped change my mindset on failure. I really hope these are helpful for you with confronting any failures that you may face in building your life, college experience, or business.1. "No man is a failure