Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

Conductors, Mindsets, and Fuel - Reflections From The Little Engine That Could - #152



Recently I have been deeply pondering on the story of The Little Engine That Could. It is an inspiring one for me for sure. I thought about 3 things we can pull from it that could prove very useful in our overall growth and lives. I included some train effects too for added effect. :)1. Conductor - Your brain and how you treat it 2. Tracks are your mindset - A lot of the obstacles and such are in your mind3. The fuel you put in is important - The best fuel will help you get to the best locations quickerIf you'd like to have more good fuel put into your tank one source is the new Discord server that is just for the community of this podcast. Feel free to hop in!https://discord.gg/a5KT7eGvenTrain Sound effects From Budget Model Rodeways’ YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1N304T5oLw