Y.I.E.L.D. Today With Dallin Candland

From Zero to One: Thoughts on Consistency and Follow-Through - #148



I have found that one of the biggest things that sets apart those who really get to capitalize on their dreams and ambitions and those who fizzle out early on is consistency and follow through. I would like to define each of these very quickly for you.ConsistencyBeing able to stick to a plan for growth and provide a predictable yet useful offering on a consistent basis. Showing up to work on time every day shows you are consistent, and it suggests that you are on the path to becoming the best _____________ that you can be. So much of the battle comes down to this question, "Are you able to show keep showing up?"Follow-ThroughFollow-Through goes right along with consistency. It includes the commitment that you are making to yourself and to others to achieve and work your best towards a specific result or output. Someone with fantastic follow-through says they will make something happen, and then they do. They are likely an elite performer of life. Truly this is a trait worth pursuing.Professionals ar