Down The Security Rabbithole

DtSR Episode 207 - NewsCast for August 16th 2016



Quick note from Michael about the Straight Talk Framework & Program -- > Get your free copy at Launched a new program last week… boy, did I learn a lot. Mostly, it’s my failure to explain. I’m going to chronicle some of the lessons over the next few days and share them If you’ve already downloaded the questions - I’d love to chat with you about your experience… If you find yourself in a situation like this, let’s chat. 25 minutes on the phone and we’ll both benefit Until Monday, August 22nd, chance to get on board early and benefit yourself; i’ve got a lot to share this week and into the future. We’re at the start of something big! Microsoft Accidentally Leaks 'Golden Keys' That Unlock Secure Boot-Protected Windows Devices: Oops? Bottom line: backdoors are always discovered, compromised Another tak